クレジットカード によるお支払い
Credit Card PAYMENT
Please choose one of the following options:
Please choose one of the following options:
チケット・ 学費・Tickets ・Tuition
めぐろパーシモンホール 2024年7月13日 2,900円
Meguro Persimmon Hall, July 13, 2024: 2,900 Yen
シングルレッスンチケット Single Class: 3,300 Yen
週1のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 1 class/week: 17,500 Yen
週2のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 2 classes/week: 26,500 Yen
週3のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 3 classes/week: 39,500 Yen
週4-6のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 4 and more classes/week: 48,500 Yen
朝と夕方: Morning and evening: 68,000 Yen
登録料・年会費: Registration fee/yearly membership fee: 12,000 Yen
めぐろパーシモンホール 2024年7月13日 2,900円
Meguro Persimmon Hall, July 13, 2024: 2,900 Yen
シングルレッスンチケット Single Class: 3,300 Yen
週1のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 1 class/week: 17,500 Yen
週2のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 2 classes/week: 26,500 Yen
週3のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 3 classes/week: 39,500 Yen
週4-6のお月謝 Monthly tuition for 4 and more classes/week: 48,500 Yen
朝と夕方: Morning and evening: 68,000 Yen
登録料・年会費: Registration fee/yearly membership fee: 12,000 Yen
お支払い / PAYMENT
チケット ・TICKETS:
Please enter ¥2,900 in the field labeled "Custom Amount" and proceed to the next step.
If you order more than one tickets, please enter a total amount equal to 2,900 yen x the number of tickets needed.
We will reserve the number of tickets corresponding to the amount of your payment.
Please choose your plan and fill in the according tuition amount + one time registration fee of 12,000 Yen into the empty field. As soon as we get confirmation of your payment, we will let you know per email and set you up to join our classes. Thank you!
Please enter ¥2,900 in the field labeled "Custom Amount" and proceed to the next step.
If you order more than one tickets, please enter a total amount equal to 2,900 yen x the number of tickets needed.
We will reserve the number of tickets corresponding to the amount of your payment.
Please choose your plan and fill in the according tuition amount + one time registration fee of 12,000 Yen into the empty field. As soon as we get confirmation of your payment, we will let you know per email and set you up to join our classes. Thank you!