Founders & Directors
A Word from the Directors
ABC-TOKYO Youth (旧ABC-TOKYO)は新しく形成された若い世代の為のバレエ団です。団員はオーストリア・バレエ・スクール(ABS)の上級の在校生、卒業生、そしてゲストダンサーから成り立ちます。
ダンサーたちが持つLifelong Learning (生涯学習)のスピリットは、ディレクター達が恩師ヴラジミールとヴィルジニア・ツカノフ夫妻より受け継いだ、彼らの生き方そのものです。
ツカノフ先生に伝授された「真の芸術家」の道。ABC-TOKYO Youthを通して、その教えを次世代に伝えていきたいと思います。
お客様は、公演一つ一つを通して未来のスターたちの成長ぶりを見守り、彼らの若者ならではのエネルギーと驚くべき完成度、熟した感性と芸術性に多くのインスピレーションを受けるでしょう。Poetry in Motion. 彼らは正に「動く詩」。
ABC-TOKYO Youth is a newly formed young ballet company, (formerly ABC-TOKYO) made up of advanced current and former AUSTRIAN BALLET SCHOOL (ABS) students, as well as guest dancers. They all share the spirit of “lifelong learning”, which our own ballet masters Vladimir Tsukanov and Virginia Stankiewiz have instilled in us so passionately. They taught us what it means to be a true artist. To always give 100%, never forget the importance of the basics, and to keep on dreaming - forever believing in one’s further development. With ABC-TOKYO Youth we want to honor these extraordinary masters of ballet and pass on their legacy.
The young artists between age 13 and 19 perform under the direction of Rio Mitani, with the rehearsal work being part of the ABS school curriculum. Through the process of rehearsing for our many performances, the dancers will study and deepen their craft. Also they will gain much needed stage experience for later, when they will audition for ballet companies all over the world. With each performance, the audience will be able to witness the growth of our future stars and be inspired by their youthful spirit, breathtaking technique and their amazingly mature artistry. Poetry in motion, far beyond their years.
ダンサーたちが持つLifelong Learning (生涯学習)のスピリットは、ディレクター達が恩師ヴラジミールとヴィルジニア・ツカノフ夫妻より受け継いだ、彼らの生き方そのものです。
ツカノフ先生に伝授された「真の芸術家」の道。ABC-TOKYO Youthを通して、その教えを次世代に伝えていきたいと思います。
お客様は、公演一つ一つを通して未来のスターたちの成長ぶりを見守り、彼らの若者ならではのエネルギーと驚くべき完成度、熟した感性と芸術性に多くのインスピレーションを受けるでしょう。Poetry in Motion. 彼らは正に「動く詩」。
ABC-TOKYO Youth is a newly formed young ballet company, (formerly ABC-TOKYO) made up of advanced current and former AUSTRIAN BALLET SCHOOL (ABS) students, as well as guest dancers. They all share the spirit of “lifelong learning”, which our own ballet masters Vladimir Tsukanov and Virginia Stankiewiz have instilled in us so passionately. They taught us what it means to be a true artist. To always give 100%, never forget the importance of the basics, and to keep on dreaming - forever believing in one’s further development. With ABC-TOKYO Youth we want to honor these extraordinary masters of ballet and pass on their legacy.
The young artists between age 13 and 19 perform under the direction of Rio Mitani, with the rehearsal work being part of the ABS school curriculum. Through the process of rehearsing for our many performances, the dancers will study and deepen their craft. Also they will gain much needed stage experience for later, when they will audition for ballet companies all over the world. With each performance, the audience will be able to witness the growth of our future stars and be inspired by their youthful spirit, breathtaking technique and their amazingly mature artistry. Poetry in motion, far beyond their years.