Press and articles
Masters Magazine Sep 2020
Ballet reflects everything in your heart
- A Ballet school that supports growth as a human
Company Representative: Rio Mitani
Guest: Jusei Osawa
(Interview on: July, 2020)
"ABC-TOKYO" manages and operates a professional ballet company "ABC-TOKYO Ballet Company" and its affiliated ballet school. Ms. Mitani, who was born and raised in Austria and studied at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School operates and teaches there with her husband. With the fact that Japanese Ballet has a shorter history and Japanese bodies, compared to Westerners, are oftentimes less suited for this craft, Ms. Mitani is committed to support those who are serious about Ballet. She established a scholarship system to provide exceptional students with full scholarships and has developed many professional ballet dancers since. "In order to perform a dance that moves people’s hearts, not only the dancers‘ skill but also their heart and mind must be refined. Even if they would not become professional ballet dancers, they will surely benefit from their growth as a person." Ms. Mitani says. She and her husband will continue to support Japan’s ballet world through their passionate instruction.
Univa Capital Magazine Nov 2016 -
Interview with Rio Mitani & Christian Martinu. Read here in ENGLISH
Univa Capital Magazine Nov 2016 -
Messiah - メサイア
A deeply moving expression of Jesus' life, death and resurrection expressed through the language of ballet.
In the second half of the evening ABC-Tokyo performed Messiah which was created and choreographed for the company. The ballet began with God creating Adam and Eve in paradise, followed by the life of Jesus Christ from to his death and resurrection. The director of the company, Christian Martinu danced the role of Jesus, adding strength to the performance with his powerful portrayal.
Messiah with its expressive style, succeeded in bringing to life the moving drama of Jesus’ life on earth. It expresses his heart filled with compassion for mankind as well as his heart-ache and tears for his mother Mary. It also portrays the many followers of Jesus, as well as Judas' anguish in betraying Jesus. The last scene of Messiah depicting Jesus' resurrection ended on a triumphant note, showing people that it is never too late to begin a new life.
Read the full article Ballerina Review here
The way to be a BALLERINA; #98, June 20, 2014, by Asuka Kubota
"Messiah" begins with a scene from Genesis as an epilogue, and you will see scenes after scenes from the public life of Jesus in the Bible. Beautiful formation changes and dancers' delicate acts appealed the message of the production.
Interview with Rio Mitani about the creation of MESSIAH
Read here the article of "The Christian" by Yuko Nakao
聖書題材としたバレエ - Bible Based Ballet
キリスト新聞, 2012年12月25日発売, 記者:上岡磨奈
Bible Based Ballet
“Joseph & Mary”, “Messiah” are two of the Christian Ballets, that Rio Mitani - a Christian, Dancer, Artistic Director of ABC-Tokyo Ballet Company - and her husband Christian Martinu presented to the world, appreciated by a wide audience both Christian and Non-Christian.
Read full article
The Christ Weekly, Dec 25, 2012, Journalist: Mana Kamioka
Austrian Newspaper Kurier about ABC-Tokyo
「クリーア」紙, 2011年1月、オーストリア
The directors say:
"We don't want to downplay our own abilities, but we want our dance students to one day surpass us." This means breaking a taboo in this Japanese Society, in which often only the master counts.
And then they go back to rehearsing the Viennese Waltz. A bit off beat, sloppy, that's how Viennese do it, and it could not be done better in Vienna itself. Some of the students are following the two astoundingly far in their dancing.
A gentle revolution, in Tokyo's underground.
KURIER daily newspaper, January 2011, Austria
Urashima Taro - A Japanese Folk Tale
The memories of the 28th May performance will be forever in my mind. On this day, ABC-Tokyo surpassed anybody's expectations with their perfectly choreographed and enjoyable Urashima Taro performance.
ABC-Tokyoバレエ団の「浦島太郎」は観客の期待をはるかに越えるものであり、完璧な振付と誰もが楽しむことのできる素晴らしい作品でした 。
Kopano B Motswagae, AWAAJ President, Tokyo, May 2010
Dance Fusion Extraordinaire 2009
We are grateful and thank you deeply for your wonderful performance during the Dance Extraordinaire 2009 in Tokyo. Positive feedback keeps pouring in from audience and participants. We consider this event to be a great success and we owe a lot of this success to ABC-Tokyo!
Thanks a billion for working with us and giving us such an amazing performance. We are always excited and happy to collaborate with you and I hope we can do more together in the future.
Chrissi Theodorakakos, Producer, Networker, Dance4Kids, October 2009
ダンス・フュージョン2009「マイケル・ジャクソン・トリビュート」などのあなた方のすばらしいパフォーマンスに深く感謝しています。観客や参加者たちからの好意的な感想が続々と寄せられています。私たちはこのイベントを大きな成功だと考えています・・・ 私たちと一緒に働いてくださったこと、あのようなすばらしい公演を見せてくださったことにお礼申し上げます。あなた方とのコラボレーションは心躍る幸せなものでした。今後も共同してさらに力を合わせていくことを望んでおります。
"The Sleeping Beauty Ballet" by ABC
"In this version it all begins with the seven fairies including Carabosse and the Lilac Fairy. They are given invitations to Princess Aurora´s christening, with only Carabosse being left out. This theatrical interpretation of this added episode is greatly portrayed by Alisa Takagi (Carabosse). Carabosse in a black tutu, displaying her fury makes the following story plausible and gives it an interesting twist.
Dances are edited where they should be and in spite of the simple sets, the royal court atmosphere is expressed through the stage design and the ballerinas´ dance skills. This is another way "The Sleeping Beauty" can be done. In any case, this version of ABC-Tokyo should be performed many more times."
Aiko Hayashi, Critique for "Way to be a Ballerina" MagazineDecember 2008, Tokyo
ひとつ のあり方を提示したABC版「眠れる森の美女」ここでは最初に登場したカラボス やリラはじめとする7人の妖精たちのもとにオーロラ姫誕生の祝宴の招待状が届けられ、ひとりカラボスだけがそれをもらえない場面から始まる。この演劇的な 解釈のもとに加えられた意味深いエピソードを,カラボス役の高木亜理紗が好演。黒いチュチュ姿のカラボスが怒りをあらわにすることで、物語をわかりやすく おもしろくしていく。省略すべきところをうまく省き、 シンプルだが宮廷の雰囲気をかもしだす美術と実力を備えた女性ダンサーたちで見せ場を作り[…]こういう「眠れる森の美女」もまたひとつのあり方なのである。いずれにせよABC-Tokyo版として再演 してほしいものだ。
舞踊評論家, 林愛子 バレリーナへの道
2009年11月、ABC-Tokyoバレエ団は、日本の民話を現代風にバレエ化した『雪女』を上演した。 携帯電話を片手に渋谷を闊歩するギャルたちや、ポアントで激しいステップを踏む着物女性のダンスなど、日本独特の世界観と日本人ならではの表現に挑戦する同バレエ団の作品は、日本人が観ても衝撃的な舞台だ。
バレリーナへの道 81巻より抜粋
This piece, presenting a unique view of Japan and a form of expression uniquely Japanese, showing young girls rushing through Shibuya with their cell phones in one hand, and women dressed in Kimonos performing dynamic steps on pointe, fascinates Japanese audiences.
Wakana Oichai
"The Way to be a Ballerina", Magazine Vol. 81, February 2010
Japanism - Yuki Onna/The Snow Woman
"The choreography (Japanism) is very inventive and shows the dancers to their best advantage. The last movement is very powerful using a great sense of musicality."
On "Japanism" at Dancing For AIDS Orphans
Nannette Glushak, Artistic Director of Ballet de Toulouse, August 2007, Yokohama
ナネット・グルーシャック, トゥールーズバレエ団 芸術監督 , 2007年8月 横浜
Omar Carrum, Choreographer and dancer of
DELFOS contemporary dance Mexico
August 2007I had the oportunity to see Japanism, choreographed by Rio Mitani and performed by the ABC-Tokyo dancers. Japanism embodies the amazing contrast that I found in Japan: the old rituals that give silence and quietness and the strength and power of modernism. The combination of costumes, music, the powerful sound of the sticks, and the wonderful technique of the dancers, gave the piece excitement and commanded the complete attention of the audience.
ABC主催者、三谷梨央がABCカンパニーのダンサーに振付けた作品「ジャパニズム」は、コントラストに富み、日本の古い儀式での完全な静寂と、モダニズムのエネルギッシュなパワーをあわせ持つ、素晴らしい作品だ った。衣装に音楽、小道具のばちも大変効果的だった。ダンサー達のテクニックも見事なもので、更にその躍動感は、観客を完全に魅了した。
デルフォス・コンテンポラリダンス カンパニー、振付家・ダンサー
2007年8月 メキシコ
Harald Uwe Kern after leading an intensive workshop at ABC-Tokyo
After not seeing the company for exactly one year, it was wonderful to see how much the dancers have improved. It is extremely satisfying (for a coach or teacher) to work with the ABC dancers, and a wonderful experience to see the results of their work on stage. Besides their amazing technical abilities this company has a wonderful and refreshing artistic style which is unique and unexpected. The ABC-Tokyo dancers and directors are some of the most dedicated people I ever had the pleasure to work with.
Harald Uwe Kern
Ballet Master of the Louisville Ballet, USA
August 12, 2005
1000 Cranes
Perth (West Australia)
Itaru Umezu, Japanese Ambassador in Vienna, after attending "1000 Cranes"The performance of ABC-TOKYO's ballet "1000 Cranes", a peace message, was a truly wonderful experience. The occasion was an event to celebrate the "JAPAN - EU year" in June 2005 in Breitenwang, Austria. I look forward to many future events bridging the cultures of Austria and Japan, and in time, the world.
Itaru Umezu, Japanese Ambassador in Vienna
July 2005
駐オーストリア日本国大使 梅津至
Arnold Obermayr
Director of the Cultural Forum at the Austrian Embassy
The Austrian Ballet Company Tokyo is a group of highly gifted and dedicated artists promoting Austria, and bringing Austrian culture and history to Japan. As a representative of Austrian culture in Japan I had the pleasure of watching some excellent and well received ABC-Tokyo performances, and I can wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone. Their recent performances at the Vienna Opera Ball in Tokyo and at the Austrian pavilion at the Aichi EXPO have highlighted Austrian culture in Japan. Ballet as a means of intercultural communications is of vital importance in helping us to understand each other better!
I wish the ABC-TOKYO all the best for their future performances!
Arnold Obermayr
Director of the Cultural Forum at the Austrian Embassy
April 6, 2005
Christian Martinu's "Requiem" is a powerful expression of life and death, of the transitory nature and universality of the human condition. One needs especially to commend Mr. Martinu's wife, Rio, a dancer with a truly extraordinary stage presence. Whether facing toward the audience or away from it, whether in movement or motionless, she never once let loose of her powerful hold over the attention of the audience. She is truly a master dancer, one for whom dancing is not merely a matter of movement but a window to the very soul of the human condition.
Hikaru Kitabayashi, Chair
Daito Bunka University
Tokyo, April 29, 2004
「レクイエム」クリス ティアン・マ ルティーヌの「レクイエム」は人間の生と死、儚さと永続性を力強く表現した作品である。またマルティーヌ氏の夫人、梨央女史のダンサーとしての舞台におけ る圧倒的な存在感は、特筆に値する。身体の向きや動作の有無を問わず、どんな場面であっても一時たりとも観客の心を捉えて離さない。彼女は舞踊というもの が単なる身体の動きではなく、人間の魂を垣間見せるものであることを教えてくれる、実に素晴らしいダンサーである。
A Summer Night's Dream
The Austrian Ballet Company - Tokyo succeeds in sweetly combining the world of the dance, the music of Mendelssohn, and the compelling history of celestial love and human incompleteness in a child accessible summer night's dream.
Dr. Thomas Trabitsch
Director of Theatermuseum Vienna
Vienna, June 30, 2004
「真夏の夜の夢」「オーストリア・バ レエ・カンパニー東京」は、子どもにもわかりやすい「真夏の夜の夢」において、ダンスの世界とメンデルスゾーンの音楽そして魅力あふれる天上の恋と人間の 不完全さを、愛すべき軽やかさでもって統合することに成功した。
Dr. Thomas Trabitsch
2004年6月30日 ウィーン
At the Vienna Festival
A dance performance with far east touch!
The talented young company took their guest performances at the Vienna Festival as an opportunity to enrich the Red Cross Gala with classical and contemporary works. The energetic young artists really proved their social commitment with this unusual project.Red Cross Austria's Online Magazine
Linz, July 25, 2004
「ウィーン・フェス ティバルにて 東洋の息吹を感じさせるバレエ公演」ウィーン・フェスティ バルに、才能あふれるダンサーを擁する若いバレエ団(オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニー)が客演し、クラシック作品とコンテンポラリー作品によって赤十字 ガラに花を添えた。エネルギッシュな若いダンサーたちは、このような前例のない企画に参加することで、大いに社会に貢献した。
2004年7月25日 リンツ
"Urashima Taro" – A Japanese Ballet
The Japanese Fairytale of "Urashima Taro" was interpreted, choreographed and danced by Rio Mitani and Petra Hintermayr, the Artistic Director of the Austrian Ballet Company.
Highly professionally dancing and a beautifully simple stage design led the audience into a faded Japan.
The music was a collage of diverse Japanese traditional songs and modern western music, that was put together seamlessly.
...a magic evening, which makes the audience think about the dictatorship of time in our present world.
Austria, April 1998, "NIPPON"
日本バレエ「浦島太郎」日本のおとぎ話「浦島 太郎」がオーストリア・バレエカンパニーの芸術監督の三谷梨央によって演出・振付けられ、ぺトラ・ヒンテルマイヤーと共に演じられた。傑出した舞踊とすが すがしく簡素な舞台が、観客を古き良き日本へといざなった。伴奏はさまざまな日本の民謡と現代の洋楽とで構成されたものがよどみなく流された。時間の非情 さについて考えさせられた幻想的な夕べ。
1998年 4月 ウィーン
Professor Werner Pelinka´s new composition was presented in the Kunstlerhaus Theater accompanied by the dancers of the Austrian Ballet Company. The dream-like piece was choreographed by Rio Mitani, who also danced the main character, a girl whose dreams seem to become true. Her deep understanding of musicality resulted in an faithful interpretation of Pelinka's work. By using a flying silk scarf, she turned the mysterious tone of an English Horn into pictures.
Vienna, June 1998
「ノスタルジー」ヴェエルナー・ペリン カ教授の新曲が、オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニーによって「芸術家の家」劇場で上演された。幻想的なこの作品は、三谷梨央によって振付けられ、また彼女 自らが、夢をかなえようとする主人公の少女役を演じた。三谷の音楽に対する深い理解は、ペリンカの意図を舞台に正確に反映させている。たなびく絹のスカー フを使うことによって、イングリッシュ・ホルンの魅惑的な音色があたかも目に見えるような効果を生みだした。
1998 年 6月 ウィーン
"Handless Fortune"
"The Austrian Ballet Theatre is one of the few companies which still perform classical and neo-classical works in a unique way.
That is especially demonstrated by Martinus "Handless Fortune". Along with the expressive story, the interesting arrangement of the music, and the costumes, the superb quality of the dancing focuses the audience on the event.
Along with his numerous ballets "Handless Fortune" is one more highlight in Christian Martinu´s choreographic career."
Lukas Gaudernak,
Winner of the Choreographic Competition "Prix Volinine", Paris 1995
"After the moving performance the public seemed unable to free themselves from their paralysis, until they demonstrated their enthusiasm with lengthy applause. Despair, love, and desire for freedom and salvation have been impressively realized through classical and modern dance by the company."
Germany 1996, Monchengladbacher Tageszeitung?
「出エジプト記」 感動的な公演が終わっ た後、観客らはしばらく麻痺した状態から回復できない様子であったが、やがて長い拍手喝采で以って感激の意をあらわした。同バレエ団のバレエ並びにモダン・ダンスは、絶望、愛、自由と救済に対する希望を見事に表現しており、観客の胸を打った。
Moenchengladbacher Tageszeitung紙
1996年 ドイツ
"Cheerful Episodes: Arrowheads in the patriot's heart."
The almost perfect dance performance by the Austrian Ballet Theatre was a feast for the eye. In their breath-taking, powerful scenes - one could feel the honest joy in their movement.
Austria, May 1997, Die Presse
「陽気な話;愛国者の胸中に宿る矢じり」オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニーによる、ほぼ完璧ともいえる上演は、祭りの最大の見せ場であった。息を呑むほどの力あふれる数々の場面と動きによって、観る者は素直な喜び を感じることができた。
Die Presse紙
1997年5月 オーストリア
"Stories of the Emperor"
"Expressiveness combined with elegance were abundant through the entire dance program."
Austria 1994, Bad Ischler News
Bad Ischler News紙
1994年 オーストリア
"Austrian Dances"
"The Blue Danube Waltz was the highlight.. 80.000 in the audience. A performance with the brilliant participation of the Austrian Ballet Theatre under the direction of Christian Martinu ..."
Brazil 1995, Sao Paolo Press
「オーストリアの舞踊」8万人の観客が見守るな かで、「美しき青きドナウ」のワルツが一番のハイライトであった。
Sao Paolo Press紙
1995年 ブラジル
"Faust's Damnation"
"Christian Martinu dances the part of Faust, which he interprets very lyrically and with elegant movements. In the pas de deux with Gabriel and Marguerite he is an attentive gentleman,..."
Salzburger Nachrichten
Austria 1992
Salzburger Nachrichten紙
1992年 オーストリア
A deeply moving expression of Jesus' life, death and resurrection expressed through the language of ballet.
In the second half of the evening ABC-Tokyo performed Messiah which was created and choreographed for the company. The ballet began with God creating Adam and Eve in paradise, followed by the life of Jesus Christ from to his death and resurrection. The director of the company, Christian Martinu danced the role of Jesus, adding strength to the performance with his powerful portrayal.
Messiah with its expressive style, succeeded in bringing to life the moving drama of Jesus’ life on earth. It expresses his heart filled with compassion for mankind as well as his heart-ache and tears for his mother Mary. It also portrays the many followers of Jesus, as well as Judas' anguish in betraying Jesus. The last scene of Messiah depicting Jesus' resurrection ended on a triumphant note, showing people that it is never too late to begin a new life.
Read the full article Ballerina Review here
The way to be a BALLERINA; #98, June 20, 2014, by Asuka Kubota
"Messiah" begins with a scene from Genesis as an epilogue, and you will see scenes after scenes from the public life of Jesus in the Bible. Beautiful formation changes and dancers' delicate acts appealed the message of the production.
Interview with Rio Mitani about the creation of MESSIAH
Read here the article of "The Christian" by Yuko Nakao
聖書題材としたバレエ - Bible Based Ballet
キリスト新聞, 2012年12月25日発売, 記者:上岡磨奈
Bible Based Ballet
“Joseph & Mary”, “Messiah” are two of the Christian Ballets, that Rio Mitani - a Christian, Dancer, Artistic Director of ABC-Tokyo Ballet Company - and her husband Christian Martinu presented to the world, appreciated by a wide audience both Christian and Non-Christian.
Read full article
The Christ Weekly, Dec 25, 2012, Journalist: Mana Kamioka
Austrian Newspaper Kurier about ABC-Tokyo
「クリーア」紙, 2011年1月、オーストリア
The directors say:
"We don't want to downplay our own abilities, but we want our dance students to one day surpass us." This means breaking a taboo in this Japanese Society, in which often only the master counts.
And then they go back to rehearsing the Viennese Waltz. A bit off beat, sloppy, that's how Viennese do it, and it could not be done better in Vienna itself. Some of the students are following the two astoundingly far in their dancing.
A gentle revolution, in Tokyo's underground.
KURIER daily newspaper, January 2011, Austria
Urashima Taro - A Japanese Folk Tale
The memories of the 28th May performance will be forever in my mind. On this day, ABC-Tokyo surpassed anybody's expectations with their perfectly choreographed and enjoyable Urashima Taro performance.
ABC-Tokyoバレエ団の「浦島太郎」は観客の期待をはるかに越えるものであり、完璧な振付と誰もが楽しむことのできる素晴らしい作品でした 。
Kopano B Motswagae, AWAAJ President, Tokyo, May 2010
Dance Fusion Extraordinaire 2009
We are grateful and thank you deeply for your wonderful performance during the Dance Extraordinaire 2009 in Tokyo. Positive feedback keeps pouring in from audience and participants. We consider this event to be a great success and we owe a lot of this success to ABC-Tokyo!
Thanks a billion for working with us and giving us such an amazing performance. We are always excited and happy to collaborate with you and I hope we can do more together in the future.
Chrissi Theodorakakos, Producer, Networker, Dance4Kids, October 2009
ダンス・フュージョン2009「マイケル・ジャクソン・トリビュート」などのあなた方のすばらしいパフォーマンスに深く感謝しています。観客や参加者たちからの好意的な感想が続々と寄せられています。私たちはこのイベントを大きな成功だと考えています・・・ 私たちと一緒に働いてくださったこと、あのようなすばらしい公演を見せてくださったことにお礼申し上げます。あなた方とのコラボレーションは心躍る幸せなものでした。今後も共同してさらに力を合わせていくことを望んでおります。
"The Sleeping Beauty Ballet" by ABC
"In this version it all begins with the seven fairies including Carabosse and the Lilac Fairy. They are given invitations to Princess Aurora´s christening, with only Carabosse being left out. This theatrical interpretation of this added episode is greatly portrayed by Alisa Takagi (Carabosse). Carabosse in a black tutu, displaying her fury makes the following story plausible and gives it an interesting twist.
Dances are edited where they should be and in spite of the simple sets, the royal court atmosphere is expressed through the stage design and the ballerinas´ dance skills. This is another way "The Sleeping Beauty" can be done. In any case, this version of ABC-Tokyo should be performed many more times."
Aiko Hayashi, Critique for "Way to be a Ballerina" MagazineDecember 2008, Tokyo
ひとつ のあり方を提示したABC版「眠れる森の美女」ここでは最初に登場したカラボス やリラはじめとする7人の妖精たちのもとにオーロラ姫誕生の祝宴の招待状が届けられ、ひとりカラボスだけがそれをもらえない場面から始まる。この演劇的な 解釈のもとに加えられた意味深いエピソードを,カラボス役の高木亜理紗が好演。黒いチュチュ姿のカラボスが怒りをあらわにすることで、物語をわかりやすく おもしろくしていく。省略すべきところをうまく省き、 シンプルだが宮廷の雰囲気をかもしだす美術と実力を備えた女性ダンサーたちで見せ場を作り[…]こういう「眠れる森の美女」もまたひとつのあり方なのである。いずれにせよABC-Tokyo版として再演 してほしいものだ。
舞踊評論家, 林愛子 バレリーナへの道
2009年11月、ABC-Tokyoバレエ団は、日本の民話を現代風にバレエ化した『雪女』を上演した。 携帯電話を片手に渋谷を闊歩するギャルたちや、ポアントで激しいステップを踏む着物女性のダンスなど、日本独特の世界観と日本人ならではの表現に挑戦する同バレエ団の作品は、日本人が観ても衝撃的な舞台だ。
バレリーナへの道 81巻より抜粋
This piece, presenting a unique view of Japan and a form of expression uniquely Japanese, showing young girls rushing through Shibuya with their cell phones in one hand, and women dressed in Kimonos performing dynamic steps on pointe, fascinates Japanese audiences.
Wakana Oichai
"The Way to be a Ballerina", Magazine Vol. 81, February 2010
Japanism - Yuki Onna/The Snow Woman
"The choreography (Japanism) is very inventive and shows the dancers to their best advantage. The last movement is very powerful using a great sense of musicality."
On "Japanism" at Dancing For AIDS Orphans
Nannette Glushak, Artistic Director of Ballet de Toulouse, August 2007, Yokohama
ナネット・グルーシャック, トゥールーズバレエ団 芸術監督 , 2007年8月 横浜
Omar Carrum, Choreographer and dancer of
DELFOS contemporary dance Mexico
August 2007I had the oportunity to see Japanism, choreographed by Rio Mitani and performed by the ABC-Tokyo dancers. Japanism embodies the amazing contrast that I found in Japan: the old rituals that give silence and quietness and the strength and power of modernism. The combination of costumes, music, the powerful sound of the sticks, and the wonderful technique of the dancers, gave the piece excitement and commanded the complete attention of the audience.
ABC主催者、三谷梨央がABCカンパニーのダンサーに振付けた作品「ジャパニズム」は、コントラストに富み、日本の古い儀式での完全な静寂と、モダニズムのエネルギッシュなパワーをあわせ持つ、素晴らしい作品だ った。衣装に音楽、小道具のばちも大変効果的だった。ダンサー達のテクニックも見事なもので、更にその躍動感は、観客を完全に魅了した。
デルフォス・コンテンポラリダンス カンパニー、振付家・ダンサー
2007年8月 メキシコ
Harald Uwe Kern after leading an intensive workshop at ABC-Tokyo
After not seeing the company for exactly one year, it was wonderful to see how much the dancers have improved. It is extremely satisfying (for a coach or teacher) to work with the ABC dancers, and a wonderful experience to see the results of their work on stage. Besides their amazing technical abilities this company has a wonderful and refreshing artistic style which is unique and unexpected. The ABC-Tokyo dancers and directors are some of the most dedicated people I ever had the pleasure to work with.
Harald Uwe Kern
Ballet Master of the Louisville Ballet, USA
August 12, 2005
1000 Cranes
Perth (West Australia)
Itaru Umezu, Japanese Ambassador in Vienna, after attending "1000 Cranes"The performance of ABC-TOKYO's ballet "1000 Cranes", a peace message, was a truly wonderful experience. The occasion was an event to celebrate the "JAPAN - EU year" in June 2005 in Breitenwang, Austria. I look forward to many future events bridging the cultures of Austria and Japan, and in time, the world.
Itaru Umezu, Japanese Ambassador in Vienna
July 2005
駐オーストリア日本国大使 梅津至
Arnold Obermayr
Director of the Cultural Forum at the Austrian Embassy
The Austrian Ballet Company Tokyo is a group of highly gifted and dedicated artists promoting Austria, and bringing Austrian culture and history to Japan. As a representative of Austrian culture in Japan I had the pleasure of watching some excellent and well received ABC-Tokyo performances, and I can wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone. Their recent performances at the Vienna Opera Ball in Tokyo and at the Austrian pavilion at the Aichi EXPO have highlighted Austrian culture in Japan. Ballet as a means of intercultural communications is of vital importance in helping us to understand each other better!
I wish the ABC-TOKYO all the best for their future performances!
Arnold Obermayr
Director of the Cultural Forum at the Austrian Embassy
April 6, 2005
Christian Martinu's "Requiem" is a powerful expression of life and death, of the transitory nature and universality of the human condition. One needs especially to commend Mr. Martinu's wife, Rio, a dancer with a truly extraordinary stage presence. Whether facing toward the audience or away from it, whether in movement or motionless, she never once let loose of her powerful hold over the attention of the audience. She is truly a master dancer, one for whom dancing is not merely a matter of movement but a window to the very soul of the human condition.
Hikaru Kitabayashi, Chair
Daito Bunka University
Tokyo, April 29, 2004
「レクイエム」クリス ティアン・マ ルティーヌの「レクイエム」は人間の生と死、儚さと永続性を力強く表現した作品である。またマルティーヌ氏の夫人、梨央女史のダンサーとしての舞台におけ る圧倒的な存在感は、特筆に値する。身体の向きや動作の有無を問わず、どんな場面であっても一時たりとも観客の心を捉えて離さない。彼女は舞踊というもの が単なる身体の動きではなく、人間の魂を垣間見せるものであることを教えてくれる、実に素晴らしいダンサーである。
A Summer Night's Dream
The Austrian Ballet Company - Tokyo succeeds in sweetly combining the world of the dance, the music of Mendelssohn, and the compelling history of celestial love and human incompleteness in a child accessible summer night's dream.
Dr. Thomas Trabitsch
Director of Theatermuseum Vienna
Vienna, June 30, 2004
「真夏の夜の夢」「オーストリア・バ レエ・カンパニー東京」は、子どもにもわかりやすい「真夏の夜の夢」において、ダンスの世界とメンデルスゾーンの音楽そして魅力あふれる天上の恋と人間の 不完全さを、愛すべき軽やかさでもって統合することに成功した。
Dr. Thomas Trabitsch
2004年6月30日 ウィーン
At the Vienna Festival
A dance performance with far east touch!
The talented young company took their guest performances at the Vienna Festival as an opportunity to enrich the Red Cross Gala with classical and contemporary works. The energetic young artists really proved their social commitment with this unusual project.Red Cross Austria's Online Magazine
Linz, July 25, 2004
「ウィーン・フェス ティバルにて 東洋の息吹を感じさせるバレエ公演」ウィーン・フェスティ バルに、才能あふれるダンサーを擁する若いバレエ団(オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニー)が客演し、クラシック作品とコンテンポラリー作品によって赤十字 ガラに花を添えた。エネルギッシュな若いダンサーたちは、このような前例のない企画に参加することで、大いに社会に貢献した。
2004年7月25日 リンツ
"Urashima Taro" – A Japanese Ballet
The Japanese Fairytale of "Urashima Taro" was interpreted, choreographed and danced by Rio Mitani and Petra Hintermayr, the Artistic Director of the Austrian Ballet Company.
Highly professionally dancing and a beautifully simple stage design led the audience into a faded Japan.
The music was a collage of diverse Japanese traditional songs and modern western music, that was put together seamlessly.
...a magic evening, which makes the audience think about the dictatorship of time in our present world.
Austria, April 1998, "NIPPON"
日本バレエ「浦島太郎」日本のおとぎ話「浦島 太郎」がオーストリア・バレエカンパニーの芸術監督の三谷梨央によって演出・振付けられ、ぺトラ・ヒンテルマイヤーと共に演じられた。傑出した舞踊とすが すがしく簡素な舞台が、観客を古き良き日本へといざなった。伴奏はさまざまな日本の民謡と現代の洋楽とで構成されたものがよどみなく流された。時間の非情 さについて考えさせられた幻想的な夕べ。
1998年 4月 ウィーン
Professor Werner Pelinka´s new composition was presented in the Kunstlerhaus Theater accompanied by the dancers of the Austrian Ballet Company. The dream-like piece was choreographed by Rio Mitani, who also danced the main character, a girl whose dreams seem to become true. Her deep understanding of musicality resulted in an faithful interpretation of Pelinka's work. By using a flying silk scarf, she turned the mysterious tone of an English Horn into pictures.
Vienna, June 1998
「ノスタルジー」ヴェエルナー・ペリン カ教授の新曲が、オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニーによって「芸術家の家」劇場で上演された。幻想的なこの作品は、三谷梨央によって振付けられ、また彼女 自らが、夢をかなえようとする主人公の少女役を演じた。三谷の音楽に対する深い理解は、ペリンカの意図を舞台に正確に反映させている。たなびく絹のスカー フを使うことによって、イングリッシュ・ホルンの魅惑的な音色があたかも目に見えるような効果を生みだした。
1998 年 6月 ウィーン
"Handless Fortune"
"The Austrian Ballet Theatre is one of the few companies which still perform classical and neo-classical works in a unique way.
That is especially demonstrated by Martinus "Handless Fortune". Along with the expressive story, the interesting arrangement of the music, and the costumes, the superb quality of the dancing focuses the audience on the event.
Along with his numerous ballets "Handless Fortune" is one more highlight in Christian Martinu´s choreographic career."
Lukas Gaudernak,
Winner of the Choreographic Competition "Prix Volinine", Paris 1995
"After the moving performance the public seemed unable to free themselves from their paralysis, until they demonstrated their enthusiasm with lengthy applause. Despair, love, and desire for freedom and salvation have been impressively realized through classical and modern dance by the company."
Germany 1996, Monchengladbacher Tageszeitung?
「出エジプト記」 感動的な公演が終わっ た後、観客らはしばらく麻痺した状態から回復できない様子であったが、やがて長い拍手喝采で以って感激の意をあらわした。同バレエ団のバレエ並びにモダン・ダンスは、絶望、愛、自由と救済に対する希望を見事に表現しており、観客の胸を打った。
Moenchengladbacher Tageszeitung紙
1996年 ドイツ
"Cheerful Episodes: Arrowheads in the patriot's heart."
The almost perfect dance performance by the Austrian Ballet Theatre was a feast for the eye. In their breath-taking, powerful scenes - one could feel the honest joy in their movement.
Austria, May 1997, Die Presse
「陽気な話;愛国者の胸中に宿る矢じり」オーストリア・バレエ・カンパニーによる、ほぼ完璧ともいえる上演は、祭りの最大の見せ場であった。息を呑むほどの力あふれる数々の場面と動きによって、観る者は素直な喜び を感じることができた。
Die Presse紙
1997年5月 オーストリア
"Stories of the Emperor"
"Expressiveness combined with elegance were abundant through the entire dance program."
Austria 1994, Bad Ischler News
Bad Ischler News紙
1994年 オーストリア
"Austrian Dances"
"The Blue Danube Waltz was the highlight.. 80.000 in the audience. A performance with the brilliant participation of the Austrian Ballet Theatre under the direction of Christian Martinu ..."
Brazil 1995, Sao Paolo Press
「オーストリアの舞踊」8万人の観客が見守るな かで、「美しき青きドナウ」のワルツが一番のハイライトであった。
Sao Paolo Press紙
1995年 ブラジル
"Faust's Damnation"
"Christian Martinu dances the part of Faust, which he interprets very lyrically and with elegant movements. In the pas de deux with Gabriel and Marguerite he is an attentive gentleman,..."
Salzburger Nachrichten
Austria 1992
Salzburger Nachrichten紙
1992年 オーストリア