ABS Professional Course “Seniors” (15-19 years)
バレエの基礎& 技術、キャラクターダンス、バリエーション、ポアント、コンテンポラリーダンス、パドドゥ、ジャズ・ヒップホップ、マイム& 演技、舞台メイク、ウィーン特有のバレエワルツ(ヴィーゼンタール)、バレエ歴史& 専門用語、そして多くの舞台公演。年に3度行われる「試験」にて生徒たちの上達と課題点が評価されます。
Aimed at serious students who want to pursue a professional career in Professional Ballet.
We teach the world renowned Russian Vaganova system, made applicable for diverse body types, as developed by Rio Mitani since 2004.
Ballet Basics & Advanced Technique, Character Dance, Variation, Pointe, Contemporary Dance, Pas de Deux, Jazz/Hip Hop, Mime & Acting, Make up, History, Terminology of Ballet, Vienna’s very own Wiesenthal Technique and numerous performances. There will be exams three times a year, to evaluate the students’ progress and points of improvement.
Monday 月曜日
17:30-18:30 Ballet Barre Lesson (Chris)
18:30-20:00 Ballet (Chris)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Chris)
Tuesday 火曜日
18:30-20:00 Contemporary (Kota)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company Rehearsal
Wednesday 水曜日
17:15-18:00 Character Dance (Rio)
18:00-20:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio)
20:00-21:30 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Rio)
Thursday 木曜日
18:00-20:00 Ballet & Allegro (Chris)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Chris)
Friday 金曜日
18:00-19:00 Ballet Barre (Chris)
19:00-20:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio)
20:00-21:30 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Rio)
Saturday 土曜日
10:00-12:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio/Chris)
12:00-15:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (rio)
Youth Company rehearsals are part of ABS‘ curriculum and are mandatory classes. Performance casting will be done based on attendance and performance.
Costs 料金(tax incl./税込) from Oct 2019:
・Auditionオーディション: 3,000 Yen
・Registration/Facility Fee 入会金・設備費: 11,000 Yen
・Monthly tuition 月謝:
1 x/week 週1回: 16,000 Yen
2 x/week 週2回: 24,000 Yen
3 x/week 週3回: 36,000 Yen
4-6 x/week 週4〜6回: 44,000 Yen
午前& 午後コース: 62,000 Yen
(Scholarships are offered to selected students. 特別な素質が認められた生徒の為に奨学金制度有り。)
・Annual ABS students’performance
75,000 Yen (衣装込みincluding costume fee)
バレエの基礎& 技術、キャラクターダンス、バリエーション、ポアント、コンテンポラリーダンス、パドドゥ、ジャズ・ヒップホップ、マイム& 演技、舞台メイク、ウィーン特有のバレエワルツ(ヴィーゼンタール)、バレエ歴史& 専門用語、そして多くの舞台公演。年に3度行われる「試験」にて生徒たちの上達と課題点が評価されます。
Aimed at serious students who want to pursue a professional career in Professional Ballet.
We teach the world renowned Russian Vaganova system, made applicable for diverse body types, as developed by Rio Mitani since 2004.
Ballet Basics & Advanced Technique, Character Dance, Variation, Pointe, Contemporary Dance, Pas de Deux, Jazz/Hip Hop, Mime & Acting, Make up, History, Terminology of Ballet, Vienna’s very own Wiesenthal Technique and numerous performances. There will be exams three times a year, to evaluate the students’ progress and points of improvement.
Monday 月曜日
17:30-18:30 Ballet Barre Lesson (Chris)
18:30-20:00 Ballet (Chris)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Chris)
Tuesday 火曜日
18:30-20:00 Contemporary (Kota)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company Rehearsal
Wednesday 水曜日
17:15-18:00 Character Dance (Rio)
18:00-20:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio)
20:00-21:30 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Rio)
Thursday 木曜日
18:00-20:00 Ballet & Allegro (Chris)
20:00-21:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Chris)
Friday 金曜日
18:00-19:00 Ballet Barre (Chris)
19:00-20:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio)
20:00-21:30 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (Rio)
Saturday 土曜日
10:00-12:00 Ballet & Pointe (Rio/Chris)
12:00-15:00 Youth Company rehearsal with Variation, Mime & Acting, Jazz, Pas de deux and more (rio)
Youth Company rehearsals are part of ABS‘ curriculum and are mandatory classes. Performance casting will be done based on attendance and performance.
Costs 料金(tax incl./税込) from Oct 2019:
・Auditionオーディション: 3,000 Yen
・Registration/Facility Fee 入会金・設備費: 11,000 Yen
・Monthly tuition 月謝:
1 x/week 週1回: 16,000 Yen
2 x/week 週2回: 24,000 Yen
3 x/week 週3回: 36,000 Yen
4-6 x/week 週4〜6回: 44,000 Yen
午前& 午後コース: 62,000 Yen
(Scholarships are offered to selected students. 特別な素質が認められた生徒の為に奨学金制度有り。)
・Annual ABS students’performance
75,000 Yen (衣装込みincluding costume fee)